
Elevate your experience with the highest industry standard in sex lubes. Our water-based Wet Silver Lubricant formula is gentle, odorless, colorless, greaseless, and non-staining, providing long-lasting silky smooth lubrication. Condom compatible and suitable for all toys, including silicone.
The silky smooth feel of our lube will allow you to experience the ultimate in pleasure. Your skin will thank you too because Wet Silver water lube leaves skin feeling soft, supple and most of all, NON-STICKY. Wet Silver is fully Paraben-Free. Try your own bottle of our original, classic, water-based formula. Get Wet and Lube your Life!
  • PREMIUM WATER BASED: Wet Silver Water-Based cleans up easily, is stain- and grease-free, and leaves behind no sticky residue such as other lubes you may have used. Get Wet and Lube your Life!
  • MOISTURIZING FORMULA: Wet Silver Water-Based lube is specifically designed to moisturize and rejuvenate your skin while being used; This gentle formula is a perfect complement to your body’s natural lubrication.
  • CONDOM-SAFE & TOY-FRIENDLY: Our formula is 3rd party tested and proven to be compatible with natural rubber latex, polyisoprene, and polyurethane condoms; Wet Silver Water-Based Lubricant is safe to use with all common toy materials.
  • HYPOALLERGENIC: Our Paraben Free formula is hypoallergenic and free of petrochemicals, hormones, and perfumes making it an excellent choice for those with sensitive skin.
  • MADE IN THE USA: Manufactured by Trigg Laboratories, Formulated in a cGMP compliant laboratory. Manufacturer trusted for over 30 years. Packaging may vary. The look of the bottle has been updated, but this lube still contains the same premium high-quality ingredients as before.